Osho on Therapy
We are the cause of our own suffering. All therapies are Toys to Calm the Anxiety in our mind and relieve tensions from the Body. Therapies do help us for a while but they are not a permanent solution. We need to go to the root cause of the Disease and most of time it’s our life style and our Vision towards Life.
When we do any wrong act then our soul immediately intervenes but if we ignore that voice again and again, slowly that voice of our soul gets feeble and feeble and one day we cannot hear it.
When ever we suppress anything, that feeling is stored in our body at a particular place, over the period of time will lead to disease. It does not mean that we should hit other person when we are angry but we need to be more meditative. Meditation is the only solution.
We seek for Quick Remedies for a problem. They are certainly quick to show result but they are definitely not the Solution for that problem.
As one goes deep in meditation, slowly, slowly, feelings of jealousy, anger, hatred decreases. In short, the control of mind over us decreases and we become the master of our life for the first time. All meditative therapies like “Osho Mystic Rose”, “Osho No-Mind”, and “Osho Born Again” are techniques to be in touch with our real nature.
In these therapies all those hurtful feelings and emotions which we have suppressed in ourselves gets released and we feel very lighter. We become younger and fresh.
As these suppressed feelings are released, we get glimpses of our real nature and the joy which we used to feel as a child. Our spirit become alive like a child and the body looks younger in numbers.
Whenever the garbage our mind is carrying is thrown out in these meditative therapies and a deep silence is the next outcome of these therapies. This is one of the reasons that Meditation is the essential part of these therapies. Osho has designed them very scientifically. First the catharsis of suppressed emotions is done which is followed by Meditation.
Therapies are also wonderful in relieving disease and dealing with emotions. But at the same we should not become dependent on them and should change our life style that is causing the disease.
No therapy can give us permanent change unless we co-operate with it. Because, old patterns of life style and mind come back again. So to stop falling to old patterns of life one needs to be more meditative. All therapies should be followed by Meditation.
Nature is the Best therapy. Early Morning walk, Fresh Air,
The Healer
The whole is the healer. To be healed means to be joined with the whole. The function of the healer is to reconnect it. The healer touches the body of the ill person and becomes a link between him and the source. The patient is no longer connected directly with the source so he becomes indirectly connected. Once the energy starts flowing, he is healed. Healing is one of the most delicate dimensions. And the delicacy consists in the healer not doing anything in it. To be a healer really means not to be. The less you are, the better healing will happen. The more you are, the more the passage is blocked.
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