Saturday, March 7, 2009

Children Cases - Rajan Sankaran

Children Cases
Rajan Sankaran

Case of Children Cases

Observe the behavior in children. Again it depends on the levels. In the very young children the levels we will often see have more to do with energy and sensation and they will be more to do with the source itself. As the children get older they express it as delusion and imaginations. Observe the energy they are sensitive to. Nervous stimulation or relationship issues or victim aggressor story. Also the most prominent thing about the mother during pregnancy. Also what was the state of the father at conception. The father's state especially during conception. Mother's state during pregnancy.
Often children get 10M potency if the level is clearly higher.
Case 1:
Case of a young boy, 6-8 yrs old, seen on 14-12-2000:
He had come with recurrent abscesses and boils on lower limbs with fever for the last year or so. Every 3 months he needed antibiotics.
The child was restless and would not sit in one place and he made motions with his arm all the time. He was playing this game in my clinic. He had three pieces of paper, three colors, and the red one would fire on the other green and blue one's and then one would get up and fire on the others. He was doing this continuously. I asked him the meaning of this game. He replied that there are three fighter planes and the one plane is firing on the other and that one is dying and that one is firing back and the other is going down. My plane is the red one and it will always survive and kill the others.
The other part of the story was that he had a kind of dream in which he is going and there is a big bad witch and the witch takes hold of the kids and puts them into something and shuts the door and they cannot come out and they know they will be consumed and eaten. And he wakes with a fright.
The witch would trap them.
Mother: He was very alert, that she could not say anything in his presence.
Makes stories.
No concentration in school. Disturbs others.
Cannot sit in one place.
Very clever and cunning child. Precocious and over smart.
{He makes lot of drama; makes faces)
Dream: Ghost is taking me in a fisherman net, he had a stick in his hand - BIG Ghost round face, black hair, white face, big chin, somehow with magic I get a stick & I hit the ghost & run away.
If he wants some work to be done, it has to be done at any cost - keep reasoning till he gets it.
Likes opening things. Very inquisitive - open things, what is the mechanism behind it, mechanical things, open the cassette & find our how it works, remote but may not put it back once he has finished seeing what he had to.
He wanted a video game so till mother was trying other things he was very quiet not asking for anything like a very good boy .But once we bought his video game, immediately he said don't you think our grandma & servant is waiting for us. He is very smart; once his desire is fulfilled & gets what he wants, he wants to go home but will not say it directly.
He knows how to talk & get his way.
V. talkative - have to listen to him first, till then keep saying mama, mama.
Very caring towards a small child, he will talk very sweetly.
When father gets grocery, fruits - gets very excited seeing them, open up, see them.
He is much hidden from inside - Aunt doesn't talk to him at all , may be its affecting him but he doesn't mention.
Loves sweets; 3 now-a-days
Makes a fool of others & immediately admits it - I met a tiger on the way, fought the tiger.
Fools others & winks and says, “Don't tell them about my behavior.”
If his friends say, we went to Water kingdom, he says I also went.
Sometimes it’s true also but he boosts about it when others talk BIG, he also talks BIG.
Very particular about a promise once he says. GOD promise means he is not lying.
If I break his promise he says - how could you break a promise, they are not supposed to the broken.
No Fears .
Very brave - can play with bombs, rockets without any help.
A year back had a habit of throwing stones at dogs with his friends so that they run away.
Hates reading. Very lazy.
If you tell him you can’t do this then he says immediately I can do everything.
Easily gets distracted; more concerned about people around - will write fast when it’s like a competition for him- you are fast, I will also write fast.
Likes receiving gifts - what did you buy for me? Even wants to give good gifts to his friends.
Once I said that I did not get any gifts, immediately he got his saved money & made me buy bright yellow nail polish & dark red lipstick & forced her to apply that evening.
Nobody can touch his money.
Suddenly tells father to give me money as I need it.
Sobbing from seeing movie about child separating from mother when three years old.
Messy, no order.
Never wears even slightly torn shirt; tears it further.
Likes company, when friends leave & go he cries.
Quite friendly gets along well with everybody, mixed well.
Back answers.
Very dominating nor respectful even towards his grandma, not listen to her.
Not homesick at all.
Doesn't miss his house or anybody when he goes for a holiday.
Likes going out, movies; likes to be out of the house.
Loves Juhu Beach
Loves all rides, nor even scared of merry-go-round
Likes to eat fried 3- bhajias, samosa, french fries.
Used to like juices 3 a lot - have everyday now.
Likes fruits 2, sweets 3
Mother’s history during pregnancy:
Very fond of Limca (lemon drink).
Had become very stubborn, if I want to eat Masala Dosa at 12 a.m. I must have it even if husband did not want to come or it was raining.
Patient: Very active.
Even when he was 6 months. old he would eat chilies; finger chips with tomato sauce Very fond of food.
Friendly even then
Urticaria when 5 months old.
While playing also he says nobody can win ,in the end I will only win - you feel as if he is the best.
Mother’s history during pregnancy:
Very short tempered .Very angry to the extent that I felt that my cheeks are on fire. Very hot. I tore my dress: It was not fitting me & I didn't have many dresses
If husband would not listen to me or respond to me I would hit myself, hurt myself, pinch myself then continue.
Would not like to be disturbed. Very irritable.
Did not want to be neglected, always wanted attention.
“I do so much & people don't respond. Somebody getting bit of importance I can’t bear jealousy. I need all the importance.”
Had become very dominating you have to listen to me, otherwise very angry.

Patient: Once he opened cupboard, saw a crab, pulled my clothes, hair, I was going to throw stone on the crab , ran away but the stone hit the crab.
Dr - Ghost was going to hit me, take me home, bite up, eat up me, cut me into pieces.
Dr - falling from bed - bleeding head. & crab caught me from my hand.
Sometimes he lies.
Not scared of anything.
Nor scared of crackers, sudden noise, fire.
Fear of being hit by mother. Mother would really hit him.
Sentimental after watching “Home alone”, went sobbing away when mother left the child.
Not particularly very attached to people. Attached to mother.
Wants attention.
Very inquisitive, how is this happening, how will this get recorded, excellent memory.
Likes cartoon, fighting scenes, shooting, “My aeroplane will not be shooted, one aeroplane is shooting aeroplane, my aeroplane cannot die.”
“Others will die & suicide but mine don't- something it may die.”
Likes shooting car racing. Which one is the fastest. Wants father to go ahead of other cars.
Like animals, likes watching discovery channel.
3 planes - one is shooting which has bombs, one is dead & one he is flying.
One dies, the other gets up alternatively alive and dead,
If his friend kicks him he kicks back.
2 ½ yrs. people would hit him & the would never hit back, But he never takes the first initiative to hit.
Someone kicks, run behind & kicks him back.
Climb on top of her, pull her hair, hits her & boxes her, never done it in front of mother.
Doesn't do anything in front of me.
Loving towards young children. Very fatherly, caring ,very mature. Not much innocence.
Very cunning. Doesn't like his cousin who is 2 ½ yrs.
Sits on top of her & hits her. My friend catches me & hits how can I run ;he has held me !
Support I get hijacked; what if Pakistanis take me also ?
Can't sit idle. Needs to have sit in his hand.
Born with that attitude - I know it .
24 hours talking and moving.
I asked the mother more about his behavior. She said that he is very very aggressive but never in her presence. In her presence he was the most saintly person. The moment mother went away he would hit the maid servant.
D: How does he hit the maid servant?
Mother: I don’t know, I have never seen it.

D: Call the maid servant and ask her.
So the mother calls the maid servant from the office and she says this.
“No, I do not want to tell you. If I tell you he will hit me more. Don't worry I can take his beating, no problem.”
The mother explains, no you must tell me, it is important for his health. So the maid says, “He catches hold of me and hits me. He chases her and jumps on her and puts her on the ground and after he sits on her, he hits her.”

This story lead me to Tarentula hispanica.
Striking, children, other, when not observed.
The way of the hunting was chase, trap, jump on and trap down and hitting.
This trapping and hitting was what he perceived in his dream and what he did to others. Tarentula is the wolf spider and he traps, hits and kills.

Remedy: Tarentula
Follow up:
There is a girl who has swallowed petrol and she becomes a witch or ghost and is now after us. He and his friend put her in a house and close the door from the outside and lock her inside. He traps the girl. He and his friend escape. So instead of becoming the victim, he becomes the aggressor.
The mother recognizes this is a very good change for him. She told her husband it is good he is not longer the victim in the dream, but the aggressor.
Also his aggression goes down a lot.
Mother: Earlier it was like a crab grabbing onto him and he was trapped.
Now the dream indicates he can cope with it and find his way out.
He is still hitting the maid. More playfully now. It is reduced quite a lot. He is not trying to hide it from me now. He will pick up a shirt and hit the maid with it. He tries to climb on the maid's back.
It was true; he was purposely hitting her behind my back. He is at least not trying to be sly about it now, which is too young for his age (her feeling is he is too young to be that sly).
My mother told me you do not know how smart and sly he is and I did not believe her but now I do.
He is more open but is he hitting her less?
No, but the intensity is less. More playful. He would pounce on her and hit her fiercely. Now it is more playful.
Now on the video he is standing behind his mother and is jumping up trying to touch a mobile of the bird behind her.
Case 2:
Case of a year old boy, seen on 19-4-2001, complained of recurrent cold and cough.
On recurrent antibiotics. The main thing in the behavior was severe tantrums. What initially seemed to be a Cina story with hitting and he could not be touched at that time and would say get away. Strong aversion to being touched. But when I asked the modality and peculiarity. The main inciting event was when the child was bathing and when he would be taken out of the bath this would be the worst tantrum time.
Then there was something very very peculiar that was seen. In that tantrum he would
He pushes his sister around and hits.
He would come out of the bath and have this tantrum. He would lie on his belly on the floor naked and refuse to wear clothes and he would just want to lie still. If you touch him, he would scream. He would lie flat and the feeling was do not disturbed me. If you let him be he would lie there for 45-60 minutes.
Mother's state during pregnancy:
There was a possibility her husband would be threatened by the Mafia and she was all the time anxious.
Case analysis:
Intermittent attacks and do not disturb me. So the miasm seems malarial. He perceived being taken out of the bath as being disturbed. He did not want to be disturbed on the floor.
Remedy: Colocynthis 1M.
Main sensation: Aggravated from being disturbed.
What the person experiences is the sensation and the degree and depth he experiences it at is the miasm. How do you feel disturbed? Acutely or chronically disturbed?
If it is an experience, it is sensation. If they say they are disturbed because they are stuck, they are describing the miasm. When they come to the exact experience it is sensation.
Malarial miasm does not have survival issues unless it is an animal remedy in that miasm. I am stuck and intermittently attacked is malarial. Animal remedy always has victim aggressor.
Case 3:
A boy of three years old came with very severe infantile eczema that he had had since birth, and history of asthma. His history follows:
The child is very insecure and always wants his mother. He has lots of fears. Shy.
He is egotistical and wants to be appreciated. When his mother comes home from work she has to go to him and give him due respect. If she even has a cup of water first he will not look at her, and will not talk to her until she apologizes profusely. If she reprimands him, he will keep reminding her, “You shouted at me, you shouted at me!”
He takes time to mix with other children because of the eczema. Won’t share his toys.
He is warm-blooded and sweats profusely on the head and forehead.
The eczema is suppurating with a lot of yellow pus, and is very itchy, worse at night. The skin gets darker where he scratches it. It is ugly and he wears long sleeves and pants, and covers his head. He has lost all his hair.
I gave Calc-s based on the themes of ego and appreciation, the warm bloodedness, the itching, suppuration, sweating, etc.
There was no initial response to the remedy, but it seemed well indicated and so I waited and saw the child for follow-ups.
After four months of treatment, I received a phone call one evening to say that the child had collapsed. He was not fully conscious and was sweating profusely all over. He could hardly answer questions any more. I asked that he be rushed to the hospital and I followed.
When I reached the hospital, he was sweating all over, hands icy cold and nails cyanotic. He was very thirsty for very cold water. He was conscious but unresponsive. I did not know the cause; his heart seemed fine. I wanted a pediatrician to look at him immediately.
I asked what had happened that might have caused the collapse. His mother had gone out, and left him with his grandparents. He had done something, and his grandfather shouted at him and said, "Your mother will never come back now." He got such a fright he started trembling, then sweating all over, and collapsed.

To treat this sudden acute state of collapse, I gave Veratrum 1M. It has sudden collapse with profuse cold perspiration, cyanosis, and covers the following rubrics of the acute condition:
Mind; ailments from fright, fear
Mind; desire to be carried
Skin; coldness
Face; discoloration blue from fright
Trembling with anxiety
Thirst; constant
Thirst; during chill
Chill; shaking

Within five minutes of giving the remedy, the sweating stopped and the child became conscious; within 15 minutes the crisis has passed. I did not think it necessary anymore that he see the pediatrician.
The parents brought the boy for a follow-up a week later. At that point he was still covered with eczema from head to toe. He could not walk because there were vesicles on his soles. But the skin was a little smoother and there was less pus formation. Not knowing what to do I gave placebo.
Three weeks later, I saw the child again and the eczema was starting to improve. So I looked again at the case, trying to understand what was happening, and what I had previously not understood.
I noticed he would be brought into the clinic and sit on his parent’s lap. The first thing he said when he came in was, “I ate three fish”. The only thing he would talk about was food: Can I eat this or that? I ate this or that. This or that was so good. He was constantly talking about food, and had a long list of food desires. This seemed strange.
The second thing was he liked cars very much and had a collection of several hundred toy cars! He wanted more and more; whenever his parents were going out, he asked them to bring him a car. He kept them all in perfect condition and order; was very fastidious.
He would talk in quite an adult manner; he was precocious.
He liked to imitate movie stars and repeated things from the movies. He would imagine himself to be a big movie star. He liked dancing naked and to see nude scenes on the TV. He wanted a little girl to touch him and say she loves him. He took a lot of liberties with his grandmother and touched her in places he should not and would tell her, “Let’s make love”. He liked to dance with his grandmother; he would call her “my heroine” or “my darling”. He would jump on her. He would spank people on their buttocks and laugh.
He was irritable, with continuous nagging and crying. He would throw things in anger and clench his teeth.
He was bossy and dictatorial, especially with his grandmother. He was egotistical. He told his father, “Don’t call home when you are out of town, I am looking after mother and grandmother.” Audacious. He told his father, “Shut up and get out.” He threatened people, “You better do this or my itching will get worse.”
He had dreams of goddesses and dreams of eating ice cream.
He had fear of high places.
He was very clingy towards his mother, and wanted her to do everything for him. He was afraid that his parents would meet with an accident or the car would get damaged. He would tell his parents to drive slowly so as not to have an accident.
I understood his remedy was Veratrum album.

Mind; gourmand
Mind; precocity
Mind; shameless
Mind; dictatorial
Mind; egotism
Mind; shameless
Mind; extravagant
Mind; obstinate
Mind; religious affections
Generalities; desires ice cream
Generalities; desires fruit

Follow-up (3 months after dose)
The skin was improving. The asthma was also better.
Follow up
One year after the first dose of Veratrum the child was still doing well on placebo. The skin had improved by 80-90%, but still showed some eczema on his hands and feet, less on his trunk and face.
There were a lot of changes in him. He had started to go to school; earlier he hated people coming to the house and never mixed with other children before. Now he liked to socialize and mix with other children. He liked to wear good clothes.
He used to demand to be fed; now he fed himself. His passion for eating was reduced. He had stopped asking for lots of different foods.
His passion for collecting cars seemed the same, according to his mother.
His mental state and ego, precocity and shamelessness had almost gone.
Earlier he had been eczema with a child hidden somewhere inside and now he was a child with some eczema!
Follow up
Two and a half years after first dose of Veratrum, the skin continues to improve, and is almost clear. The pus formation is yet still less. He still has a slight eruption on the back of his hands, which he scratches.
His hair has grown.
He gets hot, especially at night, and wants the fan.
He likes rain whereas he used to hate it (Veratrum has fear of water).
His desire for lots of cars is less; now he likes to play accidents with his cars, he bangs them together (i.e. he is now facing his fears).
His issue with food is gone.
He likes to jump off things (before he had fear of heights/jumping, and fear of injuring himself).
He enjoys the company of other children, whereas before he was isolated.
He behaves like a normal child.
So this child is not cured but there is significant change after Veratrum. Case analysis:
Every symptom is a part of the disease. The effect of the symptoms on the patient was to isolate him, he kept himself away from others, and when he improved he became more sociable.
How can we understand this in terms of the Veratrum drug picture?
The main feeling of Veratrum is to be excluded, and the fear of losing his social position.
Mind; fear about his social position
Mind; fear to lose his lucrative position
Mind; despair of social position
Mind; social position concerned about
The feeling is as if he is thrown out of his job, his throne, his kingdom. He is out and he is desperately, acutely and in panic trying to hold onto that which he has lost.
So we see egotism, boasting, collecting 500 cars, the holding on to his lost position. The boy’s precocity and kind of adult behavior makes you laugh, entertains and attracts you. He wants to be a movie star and be included, in.
He also has the Liliflorae religiousness, dreaming of goddesses.
The boy fearfully clinging to his mother. When he goes into crisis, there is sudden collapse. That is the acute miasm.
Plant remedies in the acute miasm will all have certain qualities in common, but can be differentiated by the family. Aconite (family Ranunculaceae) has nervous excitement. Belladonna (Solanaceae) has tremendous fear and terror and snakes. In this case of Veratrum (Liliflorae), the acute fear comes from the feeling of being excluded and thrown out, and then comes collapse, followed by tremendous egotism.
A typical Veratrum situation arises where a high status manager of a company has to retire, and suddenly has no job, no status anymore. This is a sudden loss of social position. So a tremendous effort is made to build up his empire again; this is an instinctive, reflex effort, and therefore acute miasm.
This method seems to be working in all cases. What is needed is faith and persistence. I know it will come and I am waiting for it. I have complete confidence in myself. If it does not make sense, it does not bother me. Have faith and it will make sense. I know where I want to reach. I will not stop at delusion. I will persist until I reach the sensation.
Ask the parents to tell the facts of observation rather than their interpretation.
Tell me what you exactly saw.
What did you actually observe?
Tell me exactly the actions.
One colleague even asked the parents to mimic what the child does if the child is not doing it now.
However some parents are not that good observers.

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